Starship - 3d printable OpenLOCK-compatible Deck Plans
Created by 2nd Dynasty
Build your own Starship layout using OpenLOCK-Compatible parts. Ideal for tabletop wargames and RPGs, etc.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Wednesday Update!
about 7 years ago
– Wed, Nov 08, 2017 at 02:32:09 PM
I will be away Thursday through Saturday with work, which is why the Friday update is coming today. Besides, last Friday I promised a Wednesday update - with pictures - so here it is!
I have successfully created and uploaded all of the original kickstarter pledges to All that remains is to activate the items and to send out the modules to you guys!
Included are:
Base Tile Set
Corridor Set
Engineering Set
Habitation Set
Airlocks Expansion
Doors Expansion
Machinery Expansion
Battlemover Add-On
The base tile set also already includes the detail pass, which you see in the picture above.
Battlemover Progress
The battlemover has been a challenge to print. I can show you some progress on the pieces that have been printing alright (although I suspect my printer needs some serious calibration and a few fixes).
Here you can see a partially assembled example. It is huge! I've only got three legs printed so far (you can see the final foot on the left in front of the airlock, and an engineering detail wall test print as well) and the arms have yet to be printed, but they have not been fully problem free. Printing the legs as one piece has caused some issues with the undersides of the joints.
So my solution was to divide up the parts into individual pieces. So, the downside is - more parts to print - the upside is that the legs are now full articulated and reposable!
Ladders, Floor Airlocks and More!
So now I have a nice wall ladder using the IA template. The backside has a ladder all the way up it if you want it to run multiple floors.
I have also of course done the ladder well variants for the three types of base tiles.
I also made a 3x3 sized floor airlock for the hatches set and completed the variant rooms along with a single tile teleporter.
This brings our completed stretch goal models to 36. There are still 25 to go - the battlemover has caused a few delays, but you guys do want it on Monday, right?
Thought so!
Friday Update!
about 7 years ago
– Sat, Nov 04, 2017 at 12:09:28 AM
Hi all! Let's get to the bad stuff first before moving onto the good stuff!
We Can't Lock Down Orders Just Yet!
According to the schedule, today is the day when we were hoping to lock down orders and start shipping them. However, as of this writing, we still have 37 backers who have yet to fill in their backer surveys, so if you are one of them, please look for the backerkit emails in your inbox, or follow the link below:
Since that's still a sizeable portion of you (14%), and we have seen a lot of survey adjustments, I feel obliged to extend the deadline until Sunday the 12th of November. That's nine days from now.
This is the last day to make final updates to your order. After this date, we will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on item purchases, pledge upgrades, and pre-orders.
If you haven’t answered your survey yet, if you fill out your BackerKit survey after the 12th of November order due date, we’ll still receive your information but your shipment may be delayed.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
Schedule Clearing Up
You might have noticed a lack of visual updates lately! That is because I have been wrapping up a months-long project for my regular job that has finally concluded.
The good news is, my previous commitments before the campaign started have now ended and will not be getting in the way of progress. Things should move much quicker now, and I aim to have most of the stretch goal variants finished by the middle of next week.
Visual Updates!
I know you are all eager to get your models, and I hope you can be patient. The core sets are all prepared and cleared for printing, and I have moved onto the add-ons. The battlemover was a tough cookie to get to print. I've had to break it up into pieces, but on the bright side, this has led to it being articulate!
I am currently test-printing the joints, but initial results are promising!
I will make another update on Wednesday with more pictures and details!
Backer Kit Reminders!
about 7 years ago
– Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 12:45:42 AM
We are on schedule for releasing all of the base sets in the next week or so, provided we get the BackerKit responses in so we can lock pledges! Then I will be reaching back out to our high ranking officers to begin the commissioned work!
All of the base tiles have also been upgraded to OpenLock 7.x.
You guys have made it possible for me to focus on making more tiles full time over the coming months. My previous commitments will be shortly over, so I will have 100% of my time focused on finishing the remaining work after the October rush.
There has been an amazing response on BackerKit with our add-ons, which has been absolutely phenomenal! Thank you!
If you haven't filled in your BackerKit survey, please do so! So far we have over 80% filled in, but we have around 50 of you yet to do so!
Remember! You must use the same email address as you used to pledge on Kickstarter!
BackerKit Incoming!
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 05:53:38 PM
I have received notification that the payments from Kickstarter have gone through and am just waiting on BackerKit. You should be getting a mail in the next few days instructing you to complete your pledges on BackerKit.
This is necessary to sort out which add ons (if any), you added to your pledge. Regardless, we need you to complete this survey.
This will be available most likely on Monday or Tuesday, and will then be open through to the first week of November (unless there is a demand to extend it).
Once the Backer Kit is closed, we will send out the first of your downloads and you can get to the printing!
Speaking of which, I have now checked that all of the existing items are ready for printing, with the exception of the singular add-ons, such as the Battlemover. I know many people don't like multiple part objects, but at the same time, I think the Battlemover in particular would be good to divide up - you could even pose the legs.
Anyway, have a great weekend everybody, and I will see you on the other side!
A small update...
over 7 years ago
– Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 01:07:30 AM
Hi all! Well, it's just over a week since the campaign ended! Although it has been a hectic week (I am about to finish production on an animated feature film I am involved in at work), I am making good progress and we are on schedule as planned.
In fact, I thought I would preview work on the Engineering Detail pass:
As you can see, they also use the latest OpenLOCK versions. I will be converting relevant objects, especially doorways, to this system. Hope you like them! I have test printed the wall, and am in the process of tweaking it a bit for better printing.
Missing Pledges
It seems almost all of our backer payments have gone through, although around 5 of you seem to be having trouble. There will be opportunities with the Backer Kit to rectify the problem, and we will also be offering payments via PayPal.
Schedule Update
There was one erroneous piece of information in the last update - of course, I meant December 2017, not December 2018, regarding the stretch goals.
For clarity, I will repeat the schedule below:
Work preparing the models into their packages, re-checking that they are manifold and ready to print.
Touch up the print guides.
Continue work on stretch goal modelling and re-detailing.
20th of October
All payments for Kickstarter should have been processed, and the BackerKit will go live where you can officially determine the add-ons you added to your pledge.
3rd of November
As long as we have people locked in on Backer Kit, we will start sending out rewards. Download links will be sent via email.
We will be looking into a more permanent webshop as well.
December 2017
We should have hopefully gotten close to releasing the updated packages with enhanced detail by this point, and will mail them out via email.
Release of all remaining stretch goals.
February 2018
Starship II campaign. I believe that February should be a good time to do it! Leave comments to ask for requests, but so far, I will most likely be doing hangar sets, medbay, mess, and possibly an alien ship set. Expect different styles in the future as well.